Easy care plants for low light spaces

best plants for low light spaces

The reality of apartment living can often be challenging in the world of plant parenting. Windows can face walls, balconies - whilst great for having outdoor space - means that light has to travel that extra bit further before reaching the indoors, and sometimes there are interior rooms with simply no natural light at all.

Though these kinds of spaces do pose a challenge, it’s not impossible to find a good selection of beautiful plants that can adapt to these sorts of low light areas. In some cases, this process of adapting to the new lower light environment may take up to 12 months. During this time, with the proper care, the plant will remain healthy, but show no new growth. Once it has settled, new growth will finally begin emerging during the warmer season, and although may be much slower than the same plant in a brighter spot, will be so much more rewarding!


Top 10 Easy Care Plants for Low Light Spaces


Spathiphyllum Peace Lily

Yes, a plant that can actually flower in a low light space!

Although grown best in bright indirect light, these beauties adapt very well to low light also. The key here is to not move them once you’ve chosen their spot and they will flourish.

Spathiphyllum peace lily
ZZ Plant Zanzibar gem

ZZ Plant

Famous for being low maintenance, super easy care plants that thrive on neglect and in super low light, these are the plants that you’ll often see brightening up shopping malls and offices, spaces which often have no natural light at all.

Low light doesn’t mean no light, however. If you’re thinking of adding one of these to a windowless room, you will need to keep a light on for at least 4 hours a day to keep these babies happy and healthy.



Another super easy care option with low light and watering requirements are the many varieties of Sansevieria.

For areas with very low light, some of the more colourful varieties may revert back to mostly green leaves, but either way, the stately long upright growth add sculptural elegance to any room.

Sansevieria Dracaena snake plant
Parlour Palm Chamaedorea elegans

Parlour Palm

These fabulous low maintenance palms have been popular since Victorian times, for their great ability to thrive in the dimly lit parlours of yesteryear.

Although they can grow quite large, their slow growth habit means they can live in the same pot for a very long time. They’re also forgiving of occasional neglect, only requiring water once the soil has dried out.


Philodendron cordatum

This heart leaved trailing plant is equally happy growing upward or downward, and adapts particularly well to many different light conditions, even the artificial lighting in offices.

With easily rooting nodes all along its stems, you can quickly have a much bushier plant and encourage new growth points by simply wrapping the stems along the top of the soil and allowing the plant to do the rest.

Philodendron cordatum
Epipremnum aureum devil's ivy

Epipremnum aureum

With a similar growth habit to the Philodendron cordatum, these super rewarding and very easy care plants will do well in bright light, low light and artificial light. When deciding on which to buy for a low light spot, choose the Green Dragon for its all green leaf, or classic Golden. The golden variety (pictured) will hold on to its lovely yellow splotches, even in a low light position, however the white variegated varieties such as Marble or Snow Queen will eventually revert to green.


Philodendron silver sword

Mostly known as a plant for a brightly lit spot, the Silver Sword is surprisingly adaptive to lower light conditions. Whilst not quite in the league of a ZZ Plant, they will adapt to grow in shadier & lower light spots, and still keep the gorgeous silvery green foliage.

philodendron hastatum silver sword

Dracaena fragrans

Known as the Happy plant for a reason, these exceptionally easy care lovelies will really be happy in pretty much any light situation. Able to handle a good deal of neglect and underwatering, they’re an excellent choice for beginners or time poor people that love lush glossy foliage.


Cast Iron Plant

Simple and understated, the Cast Iron plant features long lobed and distinctly dark green leaves, perfect for adding a visual element to a dim corner.

Known for being very adaptable to low light areas and a great deal of neglect, they’re an excellent easy care choice for beginners and enthusiasts alike.


Rhapis excelsa

Known for being one of the easiest care palms, this pretty lady, with her delicate fans of leaves is surprisingly hardy, being able to withstand low light conditions and occasional neglect like a champ. She’ll even wilt a little when thirsty to remind you that it’s watering time.


Basic Care Tips

In most situations, the care requirements for plants in low light spaces is the same for plants in brighter spots, but the one thing to remember is that when there is less light, the plant is actively growing less. Lower light areas also tend to be cooler than in brighter spots, so the need for watering is often reduced. In a brighter spot, you may find the need to water weekly, but the same plant in a lower light space may only need to be watered every two to three weeks. Just make sure to always do a soil test, by sticking your finger into the soil as deep as it can go - watering only if the soil feels dry - and never stick to a watering “schedule”. If in doubt, wait another week before watering, as over watering easy care plants will always do more harm than under watering.

When fertilizing, try following the application instructions, but half as often, and always reduce further, or withhold completely, during the colder months.